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Canadian Politicians Are Ignoring Anti-Christian Terrorism

At this point in time, radical anarchist terrorists have committed arson against nearly 50 Canadian Catholic churches over their perceived injustices against the Indigenous peoples. This comes after article after article claiming that hundreds upon thousands of unmarked graves have been discovered at the country’s nationally funded Catholic residential schools that operated from Canada’s conception in 1867 until the late 20th Century.

The fundamental issue with the media narrative on this is not that they are claiming that these schools committed heinous acts that should never have occurred, as their primary purpose was to assimilate Indigenous children into the dominant, British culture, wiping out traditions, languages, and religious views, but that they are using it as a bludgeon to bully innocent Canadians into submission, where they’re forced into rejecting their heritage and identity. They’re using it as an excuse to destroy any sign of Canadian history and Christian truth remaining in this country by mobilizing radicals, all the while the silence of the political class is deafening.

Out of the nearly 50 cases of arson against churches 17 of them have sustained serious fire damage or were completely burned to the ground and these attacks span across seven of the country’s provinces and territories. These terrorists also gathered on and around July 1st in cities around the country and forcefully removed statues of Canada’s current and former Heads of State, Queens Victoria and Elizabeth II as well as our founding Prime Minister, Sir John A. MacDonald.

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, instead of calling out the violence, called for Pope Francis to give a public “apology to Indigenous Canadians on Canadian soil.” Opposition Leader Erin O’Toole has not once called for any direct action against these terrorists, even as members of his own Conservative Party say that “…Burning a church is a hate crime…” as he believes he needs to be marketable as a “compassionate alternative” to Trudeau. I would like to simply ask this: what is compassionate about sitting peacefully, merely claiming that you disavow violence and watching as scum-sucking terrorist trash defile our great nation’s history with violent acts that are uprooting our communities? How is abandoning your voter-base going to cause the average Canadian to get out and vote against Trudeau in the inevitable early election the “compassionate” position? Compassion would put these people in jail.

These terrorists should all be arrested and deported for what they’ve done. We don’t act compassionately to people who hate us, we act compassionately to our own people in spite of them. It simply doesn’t make any common sense to talk about this issue like you don’t want to offend some people. If you burn down a church or have sympathy for anyone who would, you deserve to be offended. The RCMP must be deployed to round up this scum and throw it all in a cage never to be seen again in the light of the civil society, and it needs to happen now.

By: Bloo

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