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The Rise of Extreme Leftism in Norway

(AP Photo/Matt Dunham)

As most of us know, Norway isn’t that relevant in today’s society. Norway seems like this country where everything is perfect, and it doesn’t really matter who’s in charge of the country. But now I am going to explain to you why this election is the most important decision of the Norwegian people in history. 

To understand why the left is rising we must look at three important parties which are the Labor party, The Socialist party of Norway, and Red or so-called ‘’Rødt’’. 

The labor party stands for worker unions, feminism, equal pay, and strong sanctions on the private sectors and the free market. This is not considered as extreme leftism, but this is where the Socialist Party of Norway and Red comes in. 

The Socialist Party of Norway stands a total shutdown of Capitalism and the free market in Norway. Their biggest goal is to create a socialist economy, accept all immigrants and reform the whole public sector. They believe in equal pay for all and there should be no difference between career paths. They are focused on taxing the rich as the gap between rich and poor is growing, however, this equals to only a few percent of the Norwegian population. They call for a complete shutdown of the oil industry which is Norway’s biggest income of 381 billion euros per year in measure by the English government. These are only a few reasons why the Socialist Party of Norway is radical. Now let’s move on to our ‘’beloved’’ communist party of Norway, Red! 

Red is considered the most extreme communist party in Norway and calls for a total shutdown of both private and public sectors of Norway and believes production and labor should profit the workers rather than the organization. Pay is decided in every city and will lead to a massive decline in the economy. Red’s tax program calls for a total of 43% tax rate for people earning over 60k a year which is not that high in comparison to other Scandinavian countries. 

The left also targets young people because their brains aren’t fully developed and can be easily deceived by these radical politicians. They call for voter rights as low as 16 years old which is insane. They will do everything they can to hide behind terms that are considered progressive like feminism, LGBTQ, and equal pay. This sounds amazing dependent on what teen it impacts on. But behind all that it all, lies after lies. Only if they knew what these horrific parties stand for. 

Now, why was The Labor Party mentioned? Well, in Norway a party can group up with each other to increase their voter turnout which will lead to victory if the final count results in their favor. The problem here is that the Labor Party is the 2nd largest party in Norway next to ‘’Høyre’’, or The Conservative Party is an English term.

Now if the Labor Party decides to group up with the communists and socialists, they will win the election as far as the polls currently stand. That’s why the Norwegian election is so important and is crucial for the future of the Norwegian People.

By: Aslak Kåsbøll

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